How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles by Age and Pace?

How Long Does It Take To Walk 5 Miles

Walking is one of the most accessible and beneficial forms of exercise. Completing 5 miles demonstrates good endurance and cardiovascular fitness. However, the time it takes to walk this distance varies substantially based on factors like age, sex, fitness level, terrain, weather conditions and walking pace.

This in-depth guide examines how these key factors impact the time required to walk 5 miles. It also provides tips for improving your time through tailored walking plans, technique adjustments and tracking your progress.

Understanding The 5 Miles

Before we delve into How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles, let’s understand the how many steps and how long in 5 miles into different Units.

How Many Steps in 5 Miles?

Most research indicates there are approximately 2,000 steps per mile across average adult heights. So a 5 mile walk equates to around 10,000 steps total.

However, step counts vary substantially based on factors like:

  • Height – Taller people take longer strides covering more distance per step
  • Walking pace – Faster paces mean fewer steps per mile
  • Fitness level – Better technique equals fewer steps per mile
  • Terrain – Steps per mile increases on hills and uneven surfaces

For accuracy, manually count your actual steps per mile on flat ground using a tally counter or fitness tracker. Then multiply this by 5 to determine your personalized step count for 5 miles accounting for stride length.

How Long 5 Miles into Different Units

This chart converts 5 miles into other common distance units to aid visualization and trip planning:

Kilometers8 km
Meters8,000 m
Feet26,400 ft
Yards8,800 yds
Across standard 400m track15 laps
Half marathon1/2 distance
Marathon1/4 distance

Whether walking for fitness, travel or an event, contextualizing the distance makes gauging effort and planning routes simpler.

Now let’s examine how factors like age, pace, terrain and more influence the time it takes to walk 5 miles.

Also Read: How Long Does It Take to Walk 3 Miles by Age and Pace?

How Long Does It Take to Walk 5 Miles by Age and Pace?

Your age and walking pace primarily determine how long it takes to complete 5 miles on reasonably flat, paved surfaces.

As we age, maximum aerobic capacity and balance decline incrementally, slowing pace. However, fitness gains from consistent walking offset much of this reduction up to about age 60.

The following tables estimate 5-mile walk times by age group and walking pace (minutes per mile) for both men and women. They account for average fitness levels to provide reasonable goal benchmarks:

Estimated 5 Mile Walk Times for Men by Age And Pace

Age Group15 min/mile20 min/mile25 min/mile30 min/mile40 min/mile
20-291 hour 15 mins1 hour 40 mins2 hours2 hours 30 minsOver 3 hours
30-391 hour 15 mins1 hour 40 mins2 hours 5 mins2 hours 30 mins3 hours 20 mins
40-491 hour 50 mins1 hour 40 mins2 hours 5 mins2 hours 30 minsOver 3 hours
50-591 hour 50 mins1 hour 40 mins2 hours 5 mins2 hours 30 minsOver 3 hours
60+1 hour 50 mins1 hour 40 mins2 hours 15 mins2 hours 30 minsOver 3 hours

Estimated 5 Mile Walk Times for Women by Age And Pace

Age Group15 min/mile20 min/mile25 min/mile30 min/mile40 min/mile
20-291 hour 20 mins1 hour 45 mins2 hours 10 mins2 hours 35 minsOver 3 hours
30-391 hour 20 mins1 hour 45 mins2 hours 10 mins2 hours 35 mins3 hours 25 mins
40-491 hour 55 mins1 hour 45 mins2 hours 10 mins2 hours 35 minsOver 3 hours
50-591 hour 55 mins1 hour 45 mins2 hours 10 mins2 hours 35 minsOver 3 hours
60+1 hour 55 mins1 hour 45 mins2 hours 20 mins2 hours 35 minsOver 3 hours

Please note that these are general estimates and actual times can vary based on individual fitness levels and other factors

These tables demonstrate modest differences in benchmark walk times across age groups and sexes for equivalent pace levels spanning recreational to race walkers.

And while absolute paces slow with age, maintaining relative fitness through regular walking substantially reduces declines compared to sedentary adults. So set goals based more on current conditioning versus age.

Now let’s explore how terrain impacts 5-mile walk times.

How Long to Walk 5 Miles in Different Terrain?

The pacing tables above assume reasonably flat, paved terrain without major inclines. However, walking surface and grade substantially impacts pace and thus 5-mile walk times.

For example, research shows that walking on grass versus pavement increases energy expenditure by an average of 22% at the same speed. And each 1% increase in uphill grade boosts energy cost by 4%-6%.

This table estimates how much terrain impacts pace based on grade and surface with pace and estimated time:

TerrainPace ImpactPaceEstimated Time
Flat Terrain0% decrease20 min/mile1 hour 40 mins
Hard dirt trails5%-10% decrease22-24 min/mile1 hour 50 mins – 2 hours
Grass/sand10%-15% decrease22-23 min/mile1 hour 50 mins – 1 hour 55 mins
Uphill15%-30% decrease25-30 min/mile2 hours 5 mins – 2 hours 30 mins
Downhill0% decrease20 min/mile1 hour 40 mins
10% incline30%+ decrease26-30 min/mile2 hours 10 mins – 2 hours 30 mins

So while a 25 minute per mile walker averages 2hrs 5mins for 5 miles on roads, a hilly trail walk could take over 3 hours.

To offset, decrease distance on harder terrain to match target times for flatter routes. And take frequent breaks on steep hikes to manage fatigue.

Consider terrain carefully when training – what feels easy on flat ground becomes substantially more challenging at just 5% plus grade.

Now let’s compare indoor treadmill and outdoor walk times.

How Long Does it Take to Walk 5 Miles on a Treadmill?

Most research indicates outdoor walking requires 3%-10% more energy than treadmill walking at the same speeds.

Contributing factors include:

  • Lack of air resistance on treadmill
  • More variability forcing muscles to stabilize overground
  • Psychological aspects (outdoor views provide distraction)

However, some studies show the opposite, especially on inclines where the treadmill boosts efficiency.

For simplicity, the following table compares flat ground treadmill and overground walk times:

15 min/mile1 hr 15 mins1 hr 10 mins
20 min/mile1 hr 40 mins1 hr 35 mins
30 min/mile2 hrs 30 mins2 hrs 25 mins

So while treadmill times can be slightly faster, expect comparable times to outdoor routes in similar fitness condition.

Now let’s explore calorie expenditure.

Also Read: How Long Does It Take To Walk 6 Miles By Age And Pace?

Calories Burned While Walking 5 Miles

Calories burned walking 5 miles depends largely on:

  • Body weight – Heavier people burn more calories per mile
  • Walking pace – Faster paces burn more calories
  • Terrain – Hills and uneven surfaces increase cost

This table estimates calories burned per 5-mile walk by weight and pace:

Weight15 min/mile (4 mph)20 min/mile (3 mph)30 min/mile (2 mph)
120 lbs400 calories300 calories200 calories
140 lbs470 calories350 calories235 calories
160 lbs540 calories400 calories270 calories
180 lbs610 calories450 calories305 calories
200 lbs680 calories500 calories340 calories

For a person weighing 140 lbs, walking 5 miles at a pace of 25 minutes per mile (which totals to 2 hours 5 minutes) would burn approximately 350 calories.

Calorie burn increases substantially with faster paces, higher body weight and more challenging terrain.

Now let’s explore additional factors impacting 5-mile walk times.

Other Factors Affecting the Time to Walk 5 Miles

Along with age, sex, fitness, pace and terrain, other factors that alter the time needed to walk 5 miles include:

  • Body Composition: Higher body fat percentages correlate to slower paces. Losing excess fat facilitates faster walking.
  • Gait Efficiency: Optimizing stride length, cadence, posture and arm carriage decreases energy expenditure for a given pace.
  • Weather: Extreme cold, heat, humidity and wind retard pace substantially even in fit walkers.
  • Clothing: Proper layers and moisture wicking materials improve comfort and economy of movement dramatically in inclement conditions.
  • Breaks: Taking short 1-5 minute breaks every few miles allows muscle recovery while only minimally increasing total time.
  • Walking Gear: Supportive, cushioned walking shoes reduce fatigue. Trekking poles distribute load for less stress.
  • Nutrition/Hydration: Consuming easily digestible carbs and fluids before and during long walks maintains energy and prevents cramps.

So while age and pace are major factors, fitness improvements from regular walking can offset much of their effects. Dedication counts more than birthdays!

Health Benefits of Walking 5 Miles Daily

Studies demonstrate walking 5 miles or more daily confers these scientifically-validated wellness boosts:

  1. 43% reduced risk of heart disease
  2. 33% decreased chance of stroke
  3. 30% lower likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes
  4. 25% less risk for colon cancer
  5. 20% protection against early death
  6. 14% reduced odds of breast cancer
  7. prevention of weight gain with age
  8. enhanced weight maintenance after loss
  9. lowered blood pressure and cholesterol
  10. improved insulin sensitivity
  11. boosted immune function

Additional research confirms physical activity like daily walking protects brain volume and cognitive abilities while alleviating anxiety and depression.

In total, regular 5-mile walks leverage multiple mechanisms including metabolic, hormonal, anti-inflammatory and others to provide perhaps the single most effective preventive health behavior.

Now let’s cover tips for starting and sustaining multi-mile walking routines.

Tips for Starting a 5 Mile Walking Routine

Here are 10 practical suggestions for beginning a 5 mile daily walking program:

  1. Get physician clearance
  2. Buy supportive walking shoes
  3. Begin tracking steps/distance
  4. Start with 1-2 miles increasing weekly
  5. Walk at conversational pace
  6. Focus on duration over speed
  7. Recruit a walking buddy
  8. Join a walking group
  9. Explore local routes and trails
  10. Make it a rewarding habit

Investing in proper footwear ensures comfort completing long distances. Gradually building mileage conditions the body while preventing unpleasant aches.

Tracking walks using a phone or wearable provides motivation through visible progress over time. Sharing the journey with others provides accountability and camaraderie making it more enjoyable.

Most importantly, acknowledge small milestones daily while associating walks with positive emotions to ingrain it as an enduring habit.


The time needed to complete a 5-mile walk depends substantially on your age, sex, fitness level, walking pace and terrain. Tracking detailed pace and distance data allows setting personalized goals to monitor improvement.

With appropriate training, most adults can walk 5 miles in under 2.5 hours by sustaining paces between 20-30 minutes per mile on reasonably flat surfaces. And this distance confers myriad health and longevity benefits when performed daily.

Through patience, commitment and helpful gear, a consistent 5-mile walk provides most people an achievable, accessible and highly rewarding fitness habit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q) Is Daily 5 Miles of Walking Enough for Exercise?

A) Walking 5 miles per day can be enough exercise for most healthy adults. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week, which equates to 30 minutes 5 days per week. Walking 5 miles in an hour would meet this recommendation.

Q) How many minutes should it take to walk 5 miles?

A) For most people, it takes about 90-120 minutes to walk 5 miles at a moderate pace of 3-4 mph. At a brisk pace of 4-5 mph, it may take 60-90 minutes. The exact time will vary based on factors like fitness level, terrain, and walking speed.

Q) Can you lose weight by walking 5 miles?

A) Yes, walking 5 miles per day can help you lose weight. Walking burns calories and helps create a calorie deficit needed for weight loss. For a 200 pound person, walking 5 miles burns around 500 calories. Over time, this calorie burn from regular walking will contribute to weight loss.

Q) Is walking 5 miles a day considered active?

A) Yes, walking 5 miles per day is considered an active lifestyle. The CDC recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise like brisk walking each week. Walking 5 miles in 60-90 minutes would exceed this recommendation, so it is considered physically active.

Q) How many calories do you burn walking 5 miles?

A) For a 155 pound person, walking 5 miles burns approximately 372 calories. For a 200 pound person, walking 5 miles burns around 464 calories. These estimates are for walking at a moderate pace of 3-4 mph on flat terrain. Calories burned will vary based on weight, pace, terrain, and other factors.

Q) How long does it take to walk 5 miles at a fast pace?

A) At a brisk pace of 4-5 mph, it takes most people 60-90 minutes to walk 5 miles. Fit individuals who walk at higher paces could complete 5 miles in 45-60 minutes. The exact time will vary based on fitness level, walking speed, terrain, and other factors.

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